If a young girl washes her undergarments on Halloween Eve and, without saying anything, hangs them over a chair to dry, she will (if she is awake long enough to see) watch the form of her future husband enter the room and turn the undergarments. (There is a tale that a young girl in Scotland did this and instead of seeing her lover, saw a coffin. The next day she discovered that her lover had died.)
If a young woman goes to a lake at midnight on Halloween, and gazes at her image in the water, she shall see her lovers' face reflected before her.
A young girl should take three pails of water and place them in her bedroom on Halloween Eve, then pin her nightdress opposite her heart with three leaves of green holly. If she is roused from a deep sleep by the call of three bears, the sounds will die away, followed by a hoarse laugh. After the laugh ceases, the form of her future husband will appear. If he is deeply attached to her, he will change the position of the pails. If not, he will pass from the room without touching them.
A young girl, on Halloween Eve, should dribble hot wax (or hot lead) into a cauldron filled with water to find the circumstances of her intended. If the shape resembles a ship, he will be a sailor, while a coffin means widowhood, and so on.
A surviving party game entails the use of three bowls and a blindfold. The first bowl is filled with clear water. The second filled with dirty water. The third bowl remains empty. The blindfolded person dips their hands into one of the bowls. If the bowl with the clear water is chosen, the blindfolded person will marry a virgin. If the bowl with the dirty water is selected, then her or she will be widowed (or, depending on the game, will not marry a virgin). If the empty bowl is chosen, then the blindfolded person will not marry.
Another version of this game indicates that the clean water means the future partner will be attractive and a joy to be with; the dirty water means the prospective partner is married to someone else; and the empty bowl indicates no partner to be found at this time. An American variation of this game includes apples in the first bowl, nuts in the second and soot in the third. If the apples are chosen the individual will experience luck and love throughout the coming year (or throughout their life). If the nuts are chosen, the person will be quite fertile and have great strength and unchanging luck. If the blindfolded person chooses the bowl of soot, then they will experience loss of love or sickness in the coming year (or throughout their life).
~from Maat's Book of Shadows