The Art of Ritual Class

For more than 20 years, JaguarMoon has been facilitating online instruction for interested pagan learners. Some are new to the craft in general, while others need or want to practice with others online instead of in physical space.

Customized Lessons
We have gathered material from innumerable sources and synthesized through our own years of experience.
No "One True Way"
You don't leave the Art of Ritual knowing how to be a member of JaguarMoon. If we all do our jobs properly you leave with an understanding of your own path forward.
Live Biweekly Classes
Attached to every module is a live video class for deeper discussions and Q&A.
Daily Meditations
Every day of the class year an instructor posts an initial idea for contemplation or conversation.
Guided Conversations
Each module prompts conversation with other students and the instructors.
Practical Development
Beyond the readings and conversations, we go through a cycle of rituals to increase your comfort in sacred space.
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