The mother of us all,
the oldest of all,
     splendid as rock
Whatever there is that is of the land
                       it is she
                                who nourishes it,
                       it is the Earth
                                      that I sing
Whoever you are,
howsoever you come
                  across her sacred ground
          you of the sea,
          you that fly,
it is she
         who nourishes you
         out of her treasures
                             Beautiful children
                             beautiful harvests
                                  are achieved from you
                             The giving of life itself,
                             the taking of it back
                             to or from
                                any man
                                       are yours
The happy man is simply
                       the man you favour
the man who has your favour
                           and that man
                                       has everything
            His soil thickens,
            it becomes heavy with life,
            his cattle grow fat in the fields
            his house fills up with things
These are the men who govern a city with good laws
              and the women of their city,
                 the women are beautiful
                                               it all follows
              Their sons glory
                    in the ecstasy of youth
              Their daughters play,
                    they dance in the flowers
                        they skip
                                 in and out
                    on the grass
                                over soft flowers

~author unknown